Sole accounting software tailored for Australian small businesses, sole traders, freelancers, and self-employed individuals.
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Accountant Access Sharing: Share Your Account with Others

Need to share your Sole account with your accountant or bookkeeper? Easy peasy! Here’s how:

  1. Login to Sole: Sole’s web app.
  2. Navigate to Account Sharing: Settings → Account Sharing.
  3. Invite Access:
    • Enter the details (Name, Email).
    • Set the Access End Date and Permissions (View | Add | Edit | Delete).
    • Hit the ‘Invite Access’ button.

“Sharing is caring, but remember to set permissions wisely!”

  1. Edit or Remove Access: Click the ‘Pencil’ icon to edit or the ‘Bin’ icon to remove access.

“Control is in your hands, always.”