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Your Time is Money! Time management with Kate Christie, Founder & Director Time Stylers

Published On
26 January 2022
Grow your business

Lack of time is one of the key challenges small business owners and sole’preneurs face – and don’t we know it – a simple google search for ‘Time Management’ returned 2,510,000,000 hits. What is the best use of my time? How can I better manage the juggle? How do I find time to do the most important things in my business? How do I find time to do everything else? How do I improve my time management? Help me!

The great irony about ‘time management’ is how much time we spend thinking about how we could, or should, be managing our time differently to get more done. Was there ever a greater waste of time? Probably not.

Happily, the concept of ‘time management’ is one you can move away from right now, forever, because there is a better way. Time management is an outdated concept.

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It’s time to rethink time

Time is the one asset we all have exactly the same amount of, and which no-one can gain more of, no matter how clever, wealthy or stealthy they are. You have exactly the same amount of time each day as Elon Musk. And so, the smart workaround is to learn how to think about, treat and utilise your time in such a way as to ensure that you use all of it well, all of the time.

How do I do this?

It’s time to move away from a mindset of having to ‘manage’ your time to a mindset of wanting to ‘invest’ your time.

Remember, always, that your time is money. Your time, just like your money – is a precious, enormously valuable, and limited resource that needs to be consciously invested for the greatest possible return so that your wealth and success grow.

Business owners who shift their mindset this way, and learn the skill of ‘time investment’ will gain an enormous advantage over those who continue to think about time as something that just needs to be managed.

Kate Christie is the Founder & CEO of Time Stylers and is a Time Investment specialist; global Speaker; consultant and the best-selling Author of four books. Kate’s most recent book, Me First: The Guilt-free Guide to Prioritising You, is available at all good bookstores.

A little something from Sole

Sole is SUPER excited to have partnered with Kate Christie as part of its Back Yourself 2022 campaign. Kate’s breadth of experience working with a range of clients (big and small) to help them optimise their productivity and output places her in great stead to offer invaluable insight on this too often underrated topic to sole traders/self-employed/freelancers. Sole hopes to continue to build its partnership with Kate and deliver more thought-provoking and beneficial content for its members and other sole traders.

Are you a sole trader/freelancer or self-employed looking to up your time investment in 2022? Join Kate Christie for her 2.5 hour Power Up Your Productivity Workshop on 15 February 2022 at 12pm! Click here for more details and to purchase your ticket for $95. Use the Coupon Code ‘SOLE’ to receive a 3 month FREE subscription to Sole valued at $45.

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