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Welcome to Sole Bites – 2 minute hints & tricks

Published On
9 November 2022
About Sole | Business tips & insights
sole bite knowledge

Thank you for being a part of our Sole community. We (and some interesting guests) are looking forward to bringing a new segment called Sole Bites to you.

Being a sole trader or running a small business is hard. You are wearing multiple hats and doing a million things all needing attention straight away. By joining Sole, we hope to facilitate a community where we can succeed together.

The purpose of the segment: Sole Bites is to provide you with a quick and easy way to keep on top of industry topics, hints and tips, as well as learning together.

If you have some cracking ideas or questions that we can help answer, please reach out to us on the chat below or via our contact form. Adam, Dan or I will try our best to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you once again for joining our growing community and we hope you enjoy your time with us.

Until next time. Johann (Founder of Sole)

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