Bank connection
Navigating the bank transactions
The most powerful way to balance your books and master your accounting through Sole is to effectively use the integrated bank transaction feed. The bank feed, when paired with your chosen financial institution, allows users to fully classify all incoming and outgoing transactions that are used to fuel your business.
At Sole, the privacy of your data is important to us. You can view our Privacy Policy here. our privacy is important to us Sole utilises a trusted third-party called ‘Illion’ to manage a users bank feed. Illion provide bank data services to over 15,000 companies and 1.4m customers in Australia and around the World. What this means is that Sole will never have access to any information associated with your bank account or bank transactions, and users can confidently utilise Illion as a specialist provided of bank feed technology. The connection to your bank account is “read-only” so no one can move or use your money in Sole. In addition, we do not (and will never) distribute, share or sell your information/data to third parties.
The key element to managing your bank feed is to ‘match’ transactions against new business records. For example, this might mean matching incoming transactions against open invoices (or even creating an invoice directly from the bank feed) as well as matching outgoing transactions to new expense records in Sole.
Where to find out more:
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